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B. L. Peterson
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A young Black man goes around telling people he is from Mars and he has an extremely important message for the people of the earth: It is of a grave matter but he forgot what it was! So to humor their friend and his mission, they set off on a fantastic journey that is more fantasy than reality. "Sounds interesting!"
Chapter 1 - Oskar Arrives
"An unenlightened man is like a man in a cave with his hands bound.
He is looking at the wall and seeing the spot of light from the entrance to the cave which is behind him.
You step into the dark cave, out of the light and try and tell the man there is more to his life than this.
But he exclaims almost like a madman that "He sees the light! He sees the light!",
The car pile-up was all in the news. It was the biggest late breaking story of the day. There were mass pictures of the accident and a lot of angry and bewildered people.
Oskar sat in MY chair still draped in the blanket, watching the Television like he never saw one before in his whole life.
“I never seen one of these before in my whole life.” Oskar said. “What is it?”
Poncho came into the Livingroom from Jr. High School.
He held a device in his hand that took the place of a cane, and it alerted Poncho to the objects around him by ultrasound.
“Hey, Brewster, hey Jenny.” He paused. “Someone else is here! You picked up another bum off the streets didn’t you! He better not eat all the food out of the refrigerator like that other guy did...