Spirituality (Non-Fic)
Can you truly live a life free of pain and misery? The answer is No! But you can minimize your loss and pain with this little book and be happy and free regardless of the negative circumstances or conditions around you. You can be a shark in a sea of minnows. The Director of your faith and fate. Be more confident to fulfill your dreams!
Here are the mental techniques you need to overcome the limitations of your limited mind.
By operating as a SPIRITUAL BEING {SP} you can overcome any problems you may have. "Sounds interesting!"
THE JIVANMUKTA Liberation of the Mind and Body From Chronic Pain Dedication: To all Human Beings who seek pain relief through self-knowledge. THE VISION OF THE JIVANMUKTA IS THAT YOU ARE ALREADY FREE AND ETERN...
Verse 1: Kill the enemies of ignorance and false egoism and enter the illimitable kingdom of God. Did I not say, ‘The Kingdom of God is within you?’ Verse 2: Glory to the JIVAMUKTA! Glory to​ Lord YESHUA KRISHNA, {Jesus Christ} ​who placed the JIVANMUKTA before men of this world to attain liberation! May His blessings be upon you all! May the JIVANMUK...
Chapter 2
PRAYER TO LORD KRISHNA/YESHUA PRAYER TO THE DIVINE LORD KRISHNA/YESHUA THE SUN GOD {KRISHNA} MANU/YESHUA/CHRIST {Son of the Sun God} THE MASTERMIND {The Super Consciousness in everyone} What is the real difference between liberation while living and disembodied liberation, between the transcendent state and the state beyond it, between the perishable Person, the imperishable Person and the Supreme Person? ...
Chapter 3:
THE MIRACLES OF READING THE JIVANMUKTA The Miracles of Reading The JIVANMUKTA The Earth said: 1. O YESHUA, the Supreme Lord! How can unflinching devotion arise in him who is immersed in his hurried, worried, worldly life, O Lord? . Lord YESHUA​ ​said: 2. Though engaged in the performance of worldly duties, one who is regular in the study of the JIVANMUKTA becomes free. He is the happy man...
Chapter 4:
Prayer to the Divine Mother O DIVINE MOTHER,​ the destroyer of rebirth, the showerer of the nectar of heaven and earth, consisting of eighteen discourses—upon Thee, O JIVANMUKTA, O affectionate Mother, I meditate! I salute Lord YESHUA, the world-teacher, Son of God, the destroyer of Devils, the supreme bliss of heaven and earth! I salute YESHUA, the source of supreme bliss, whose Grace makes the dumb eloquent and ...
DESPONDENCY DESPONDENCY Despondency​ could be described as unrest. Being of low spirits. Sad, dejected, depressed. It also can be ‘out of balance’. Overly angry. Very critical of self and others. Apathy. Succumbing. Loneliness. Irrational thinking. Self-sabotage. Self-hate. Delusional thinking. Despondency is also Confusion and indecision. It can also lead to ...
THE SAKHYA THE SANKHYA SANKHYA​ means ​‘discrimination’. Literal meaning of ​Sankhya​ is "discrimination" between ​purusha and ​prakriti so as to show the liberation of ​purusha ​ . It is important to know PURUSHA​ as FORCE. And PRAKRITI As FORM. The f...
Chapter 7:
THE SANKHYA PHILOSOPHY The Sankhya Philosophy “Of all trees I am the banyan tree, and of the sages among the demigods I am Narada. Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.” -KRISHNA Kapila was the founder of Sankhya philosophy. (8-6th Cent. B.C.E.?) Ishvara Krishna was its most famous writer. (3rd Cent. C.E.) &nbs...
THE JIVANMUKTI The Jivanmukti A Jivanmukti is a liberated sage. He is released even while living. He lives in the world, but he is not of the world. He is the sole FORCE to all the FORMS. He always revels in the eternal bliss of the Supreme Self. He is Ishvara (God) Himself. He is a God on earth. &n...
Chapter 8:
PSYCHIC AND PHYSICAL NUDITY Psychic and Physical Nudity A Brahma Jnani or Jivanmukta need not be a genius. BRAHMA​= One who realizes he is one with BRAHMAN, and all beings are realized in BRAHMAJYOTI= ​{Brahmajyoti means spiritual sky. This material sky means brahma-jyotir is covered by material cloud. Actually, everything is brahma-jyotir. Just like clear sky, but some portion of the sky is sometimes cover...
Chapter 9:
THREE TYPES OF GURUS {TEACHERS} Three Types Of Gurus {Teachers} There are three types of teachers or Gurus: 1. One who knows the shAstra-s and is also firmly established in that knowledge, i.e. a shrotriya and a brahma niShThA. 2. One who does not know the shAstra-s but is firmly established in the knowledge, i.e. only a brahma niShThA. 3. One who knows the shAstra-s but is not firmly established in the k...
Chapter 10
A Blessing To The World
A BLESSING TO THE WORLD A Jivanmukta is a sustainer of the world. He is a source of perpetual inspiration. He is an embodiment through which divine grace is transmitted to the un-regenerated {unenlightened} men. Like flowers that bloom to scent and purify the air around, great souls like Sadasiva Brahman, Yajnavalkya, spring up in the world to gladden men's heart and to lead them to immortality and perfection. The Jivanmukta is a ...
Chapter 11
The Jivanmukta Lives Forever
THE JIVANMUKTI LIVES FOREVER The JIVANMUKTI lives forever. He has attained life everlasting. Cravings torture him not. Sins stain him not. Birth and death touch him not. Pains and tribulations torment him not. A Jivanmukta may give up his body in any place, at any time. Just as the falling leaves and fruits of a tree will not affect the tree itself, so also, the dropping of the body will not affect the Atman: PSI BEING, which survives lik...
The Saga or Stable Mind
The Sage or Stable (or Steady) Mind (or Understanding) The JIVANMUKTA or PSI BEING • The one who gives up all desires (kÄmÄ) originating in the sensory mind (manas) and is content in himself by himself—he is said to be of steady understanding (prajñÄ). • The one whose mind is not agitated by miseries, freed from greed for pleasure, with passion, fear, and anger gone—he i...
OUTRO When the​ PSI BEING ​is in the body or mind He is​ INTERIOR​. When the​ PSI BEING ​is outside the body or mind, He is ​EXTERIOR​. He is​ not​ subject to the LAWS​ of the Psyche Or Physical world and body. The body is, but not the PSI BEING. He can expand and contract at will. <...