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Ravenwood Manor is a beautiful,breathtaking sight. Bay windows encompassed with that is greener than limes glistening in the sun. The Manor has been in the Woods family for over 4 generations. The daughter Raven Woods born to Peter and Victoria Woods is blessed in many ways with special gifts that her mother couldn't tell her about because she died suddenly. Now Raven resides with her father who is the primary caregiver of Raven. What secrets lurk at Ravenwood Manor read on to find out.
My novel is filled with mystery,fantasy and much more I hope you all will let me intrigue your minds. "Sounds interesting!"
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Manor was always a joy to be at. You were always entertained wherever you
were.Raven always loved to attend the parties because she could be whoever she
desired. Her mother would always tell the most eloquent stories about their
home and Raven would always be fascinated by them. One night while listening to
her mother Raven asked her mother,"Where are we from?"Victoria
replied,"We are from a beautiful family that...