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I've been writing and editing since high school. In high school, I was a juvenile delinquent. I served in the US Army and the Texas State Guard. I worked as an English Professor and as a rim editor. I am retired and write full time. I love feedback.

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Larry K. Thompson

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Love, Or Something Like It
by L. K. Thompson, LTC (Ret.)

Stunned by the discovery that General Jagwi has not only escaped from his prison, but has been able to return to Korea, Team Reliant is forced to mobilize, seek out the General, and take him down.The strange love story is set against the sometimes-terrifying efforts of a US Army Special Forces team and the lone woman on the team. Initially the attraction that Aleumdaun, the female of the team, feels for the selfish, self-gratifying Slover moves forward with bumpy moments while they work with the other team members to eliminate their North Korean nemesis. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Front matter:


Or Something Like It


Love, or Something Like It

This novel is a Team Reliant series, Book Four

Businesses, brands, places, products, names, and other Marca Registrada referred to in this book are used fictitiously and are the property of the respective trademark holders. There is no association express or implied between the author and any trademark holder. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting t...

DEVIL 63, Vietnam Gunship Pilot
by CWO 2 Sims and Larry K. Thompson, LTC (Ret.)

CWO Sims wants it understood from the beginning: he was no hero. He tells his story from the training that began at Fort Wolters, Texas, and continued through Fort Rucker, Alabama. He tells his story through his two tours in Vietnam and his return home. "Sounds interesting!"

Devil 63 Title Page


Vietnam Gunship Pilot



CWO 2 Richard Sims

     As told to

      Larry K. Thompson






by Manfred Kaiter and L.arry Thompson

Manny returns to Insel Ruegen and completes his stone mason training. He joins with four of his friends, and they set out to begin their careers as a brick layers. They are approached by Western Intelligence to spy for them in East Berlin. Their decision is a fateful one and deadly. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1





As things turned out, after our escape from the village Communist thugs, Dad fixed up Schultz's old pickup, and he, Mom, and Luther left for Oranienberg. My brother, Siegie, boarded an east bound train back toward Peenemunde and went back to his job, welding at the ship yard. He had vacation time owed to him, and he wasn't penalized when he showed up for work a day late on Tuesday.

I boarded a north bound train and went back to Sassnitz on Inse...

Love's Critical Ploy
by L. K. Thompson, LTC (TXSG, Ret.)

Ordered to prepare a clandestine mission to Europe, Team Reliant's task is to prevent the transfer of deadly radioactive material to terrorists. They must kill General Jagwi. Things were going well until someone surprised them.The strange love story is set against the sometimes-terrifying efforts of a US Army Special Forces team and the lone woman on the team. Initially the attraction that Aleumdaun, the female of the team, feels for the selfish, self-gratifying Slover moves forward with bumpy moments while they work with the other team members to eliminate their North Korean nemesis. "Sounds interesting!"





This novel is dedicated to the following:


SSG John Thompson for his Army experience, foreign service, and honest reflections of events.

Amy Stell for her steadfast and keenly insightful copy reading.

Sharon Henderson for enduring friendship and willingness to read my work for errors.

COL David Osterhout for his eye for detail and because he isn’t afrai...

Love's Critical Deception: Team Reliant
by L. K. Thompson, LTC (TXSG, Ret.)

Mrmbers of Team Reliant continue their hunt for the elusive and cunning General Jaqwi, Washington has ordered a hit on Jaqwi. The General continues his dogged pursuit of supplying the Middle Eastern terrorists with nuclear devices. His elaborate plan to use multiple possible routes for delivery has the team splintered with three groups tracking three different avenues of delivery. Are the routes deceptive or real. Can they stop all of them? Can they take out Jaqwi?The strange love story is set against the sometimes-terrifying efforts of a US Army Special Forces team and the lone woman. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1



This novel is dedicated to the following:


SSG John Thompson for his Army experience, foreign service, and honest reflections of events.

Amy Stell for her steadfast and keenly insightful copy reading.

Sharon Henderson for enduring friendship and willingness to read my work for errors.

COL David Osterhout for his eye for detail and because he isn’t afraid say, “This is not your best. Fix it!”


And t...

You Can't Blame That On Me
by Larry Thompson

These are stories that I wrote in response to things that happened in my life while I wasn't in my right mind. Some of them are lies! Yeah, I know, that's outrageous, but, I'm an author. I make things up! "Sounds interesting!"

Title Page







You Can’t Blame That On Me!






Larry K Thompson





Making A Run For It From Berlin To Texas Book Two
by Larry Thompson

While young Manny Kaiter will mature to become the man who marries Buddy Holley's sister, in this volume, he faces more threats to his life. He and older brother, Siegie, play with explosives and loaded wartime weapons. They face incredible dangers, including the feared rape of his mother. He tries to grow up normally in the aftermath of war torn Germany. His efforts culminate, at age 16, in an attempt to flee the East German Communist menace in a boat cobbled together by his father by crossing the Baltic Sea to Sweden. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Things were pretty dreary after Gunther left. Since we weren't on the road running from the Russians and the SS, Siege and I bad time to locate things. We discovered that Castle Willigrad had its own little theater. We found it, and we investigated it. We returned to the cottage at lunch wearing costumes and carrying ceremonial swords. I was carrying an extra suit of clothes, and Siege had on a baron's ceremonial robes. We had barely shown our prizes to Mom when we beard a knock on the door.

One of...

Making A Run For It From Berlin To Texas Book One
by Larry Thompson

Young Manny Kaiter suffers through being buried alive in bomb devastated Berlin of 1945. He narrowly escapes being strafed by a Russian fighter plane as he hides in an outhouse. he learns notto trust anyone as time after time his efforts to escape Nazi Germany are stymied. How he overcomes all obstacles and makes hie way to America and eventually marries the sister of buddy holley will keep you on the edge of your seat. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

As I ran for the outhouse, the roar of the engine on the Russian fighter plane filled the air. I knew he was shooting at me because I could hear the rat-a-tat-a-tat-tat of his machine guns, and I could hear the whack-whack-whack of the bullets as they chewed up the moist earth behind me. I jumped into the outhouse and slammed the door on the one-holer. I covered my face with my hands and cringed as I heard the bullets tearing up the path to the outhouse. I thought, God, what a place to die. Please do...

Love's Critical Ground: Team Reliant
by L.K. Thompson, LTC (Ret.)

A team of Army Intelligence Operatives is ordered to find and thwart a North Korean sneak attack aimed against US Army installations in South Korea. The strange love story is set against the sometimes-terrifying efforts of a US Army Special Forces team and the lone woman on the team. Initially the attraction that Aleumdaun, the female of the team, feels for the selfish, self-gratifying Slover moves forward with bumpy moments while they work with the other team members to eliminate their North Korean nemesis. The team commander and the woman are concerned about the man’s wayward, ideas. "Sounds interesting!"


OPSEC: Operations security is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


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