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I'm the moody teenager you are always complaining about excpet I don't really fit the stereotype because I do writing as well. It's mostly fictional and a lot of it is based on the drama of teenage life, you should read it some time...

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Ruth Virgo

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Ally (working title)
by Ruth Virgo

This is the prequel to my book Bad Blood and is written about her younger sister, Ally. The style is very similar although the characters and plot line are different, I'm not sure how else to explain it... "Sounds interesting!"

A Secret

Where are you’re parents Ally? Oh, I know, they’re those two, over there!” Tori laughed as she pointed to a really fat couple near the door.

“No. My parents aren’t coming.” Ally made the mistake of telling them too much.

“That makes you an orphan.”

Ally raised an eyebrow and shook her head dismissively at them, holding in the hurt that overwhelmed her. She wasn’t an orphan. Her parents weren’t dead, only, her life wouldn’...

...bitch meets boy
by Ruth Virgo

Matt's just moved into town, bringing several problems with him... Cas is the girl with the Insta-perfect life. No problems, that is, until you meet her parents... (which you won't - cause they're never around) She's the popular girl and he's the Bible Basher but somehow they meet and talk and do more than talk : ) Why is it that every time things seem to be going right, it all turns sour? "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Grab them!” “Run!” “Quick!” Last minute instructions echoed all around the underpass but Matthew Clayton didn’t need to be told as he grabbed the most valuable spray cans and dived into the nearest alley. Matthew watched as the local police man, driving a police car and patrolling the area waited for his night shift to end, not noticing or caring about the teenage “criminals” hiding out in the alley not fifty metres away from him. Matthew was equally as una...

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