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Life is hard in the Scandinavian settlement of Leikskalar. But despite the cold and bleak conditions, some people were born to lead even in the dead of winter. "Sounds interesting!"
Chapter 1 Hunt
Morning frost had turned the grass into sharp shards, the branches of the trees were frozen rigid, and water had turned as hard as stone. Barely a living thing would venture out into this freezing wilderness, sources of food and water were now minimal, until this bitter winter would pass.
A deer had braved the cold morning, the air was thick with each of its shallow breaths, alert to the surrounding woods, cautious that dangers may still be present. Its eyes darting from side to side, somethi...
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A dark comic-book hero style novel. A young girls world begins to spiral out of control, and a web of lies is soon uncovered. "Sounds interesting!"
My name is Melanie Wilson. I have always been a good swimmer. Actually that is a lie, as far back as I can remember I have been an excellent swimmer. My father tells me that there were times when I was younger that I was awful at swimming. Funny thing is, I don't remember my childhood beyond the age of about nine.
When I was just eight years old I fell into a coma, I was severely ill and spent almost a year in hospital, undergoing tests and operations. Doctors are amazed I survived at all. Bu...
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Four friends go on a mystery sight-seeing holiday, they take a dreadful twist through a vast South American jungle, a jungle which it is soon apparent has far too many secrets. "Sounds interesting!"
It was late in the night, 1.50am to be precise. A woman sat in the darkness of her apartment living room, her legs resting up on the settee, her back against two large cushions. A white laptop resting upon her thighs was the only real source of light, the subtle light from the screen gave a gentle glow on her face, she stared hard at the screen biting the thumbnail on her right hand. A quick gaze to her left hand and a debit card was clenched tight between her fingers, she quietly read out the long numbe...