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The ChapterBuzz Top 100   


One Little Cheerleader: Monsters of the South Book 1
by Hazel Spectre

One little Cheerleader is a Romance with a side of horror. In the last twelve hundred years, Vampire heiress Charlotte Maylan has watched her demonic husband die fourteen times. When he comes back, hi ... More ▼


This book is dedicated to all of the women who have ever felt unsafe around a man. To the women who have ever felt the sting of a man’s hand. I hope this helps give a voice to those of us who’ve dealt with Domestic Violence, or any kind of sexualization that was uncalled for in our lives. 

We warned the men. 

Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233



Literary Fiction
Welcome to My Garden
by Barry B. Wright

"Welcome to My Garden" is multi-themed in its content. Short stories are a venue for discovery. As a writer, they provide a wonderful playground to experiment and to learn. The value of words and phra ... More ▼

Chapter One
The Decision

Four hours he had made her practice! Four goddamn hours! Until she defiantly screamed out: “Papa! I don’t want to be a ballerina! I will never be one! Do you hear? Never!” Stomping her foot, she crossed her arms tightly across her chest and purposely took on a belligerent stance.

The room flooded with anger so palpable it almost smothered her with its intensity. Attempting to flee ahead of him, she lost as he caught her in mid-flight and began to shake and hit her.

Too ...


by Tiffany S. Doran

Victoria Bronx wants to purchase a brand new building on the lower end of town to fulfill her dreams of owning her own bakery, but a corporate giant, Bradley Parson, moves in and threatens to tear it ... More ▼

Chapter 1

The alarm rang loudly against the silence of the dark room. Groaning, Victoria Bronx rolled over and laid her hand hard against the off button. She longs for her snooze button but it no longer works. She rolled onto her back and pulled the covers over her head. Victoria hasn’t ever been a morning person. Her mom had to start waking her up as a child about an hour ahead of time just so she would have time to procrastinate before she got up.

“What are you going to do when you grow up, Vic...


The Devil's Mansion
by Barry B. Wright

Formerly: 'The Diary' it has evolved into a full length novel filled with action, murder, romance, surprise, and intrigue with lots of twists and turns. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Alan Henderson hated his grandfather. But his grandfather, Sir Reginald van der Helsing, wasn’t the only one he had come to hate. He fired a pebble at a passing bird but missed. An inaudible profanity quietly rumbled beneath his breath. A larger stone was chosen, and he reloaded his slingshot. His eyes followed his next prey. Aim readied, he waited patiently.

The turret in which he stood, an architectural feature of the family estate home, provided a lofty vantage point and unhindered solace...


The Regent Queen (a working title): The Jewelled Throne 1
by Cherry Leigh

it all began on a king’s birthday and with a boy with an odd sensation in his stomach, a shattered grande hall and a governess pointing an accusing finger, magic being banned from the capital and dr ... More ▼




IT ALL BEGAN ON THE EVE OF THE KING’S THIRTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. He had asked for his son to stay behind with himself and his queen wife. They awaited for the knights, lords, ladies and the servants leave the warm Grande Hall. All that remained was the three of them and the princess. The blonde girl looked at her family, meekly, obviously wanting to be a part of the conversation. Her father gently beckoned her over, an eas...


SleepyTime Bigfoot
by Tiffany S. Doran

Even Bigfoot needs to sleep too! After the long day of hunting and foraging for food is over and there is no one else in the woods to play hide and seek with, Bigfoot settles in for a long nap. Join u ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Bigfoot, Bigfoot, time for bed

Bigfoot, Bigfoot, rest your head

Your time for play is done and through

Take off your shirt, your socks, and shoes

Climb in the water and splash,splash,splash

All squeaky clean, we’ll be done in a flash.

Time to brush your teeth until they’re sparkly and white

Here comes daddy Bigfoot, don’t forget to tell him good night

So much fun you both have had, now it’s time for bed but don’t be sad


The Lies They Tell
by Rita Rae Siller

An empire on the brink of collapse, an emperor with no heirs, and a war on the horizon. Alura, the emperor's Right Hand is caught in the middle of a massive dilemma--does she betray the man that raise ... More ▼

Chapter 1
Her Eminence

 Alura stiffened when she heard the chapel door open behind her. From the doorway, she could hear Reverend Mother Vikta, the temple’s high priestess, chastising whoever had entered the room. There was only a brief exchange of harsh whispers before she heard the rustling of the reverend mother’s robes and the angry clack of her shoes on the stone floor fading away. The intruder began to walk up the aisle between the pews toward the head of the room where Alura was busy praying befo...


Unexpected Love 2
by Keith Slater

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“Thank you, Sean. Thank you for bringing me home from Rachel’s birthday party.” Lisette paused for a moment, and then continued, “Would you like to come up for a nightcap?” The words had tumbled out before she realised it. She had enjoyed Sean’s company at the party - and even more so when she realised that she had no chance of an intimate relationship with Rachel. She knew now that Vincenzo had won Rachel’s heart.

So she invited Sean up to ...


Coming of Age
Liberty and Harper
by Nancy Klann-Moren

This story begins with the chance discovery of a diary. It's a coming-of-age-story about two young women's paths toward realizing their future as activists. Over fifty years separate their compelling ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Liberty and Harper

A Novel


Nancy Klann-Moren


"The biggest victory is that we did fight...

That we came together and we fought.

And that we have that history to build on."

                                   ~ Kipp Dawson



Unexpected Love!
by Keith Slater

Rachel is free! Recently divorced she is determined to prove herself in her fine arts studies. An inner restlessness takes her to Rome and the meeting of new friends. Even so, she wonders: Will s ... More ▼

Chapter 1

“Alone! Rachel, you’ve been alone for nearly eighteen months,” her inner voice kept reminding her.


“You were married for eight years. Your marriage to John ended in divorce. You had no children even though you tried. You know that the zip had run out of your relationship - the tender romantic spark had blazed and died. You were living together like sister and brother.”

The inner voice intoned the mantra again:

“Alone! Rachel, you’ve...


SHARING MY LOVE OF LIVING IN GERMANY: A Black American Woman's Experience

Born in New Orleans, La., I joined the Army in 1977 to escape an abusive husband. My best assignment was in Heidelberg, Germany in 1979. I had two small daughters. After many tours in Germany during t ... More ▼


I often revel in these memories, some of which still make me laugh at the great times I had growing up in my neighborhood in New Orleans, Louisiana.



A Tale of Shadows: A collection of creepy short stories
by Tiffany S. Doran

A collection of creepy tales that may just make you question everything. Be sure to sleep with the lights on after this one...You never know who, or what, may be peering in at you in the dark. "Sounds interesting!"

A Shrouded Staircase

This is gonna be a great time!" I said to my best friend.

It was time for our fall break at college. We were both anxious to head home and experience Thanksgiving with our friends and family, and of course, each other. Michael and I both lived in the same town, on the same block, and in the same houses we grew up in as young boys. After all these years, neither of our families wanted to move or saw a need to do so.

I could almost taste mom's turkey and dressing now. College meals, at least...


Behind the Veil
by Andromeda Kaine

In the year 2123, the fate of Earth and the future of humanity balances on the victory of a century old war between Earth and an evading alien species called Raezor’s. The Federal Alien Defense ... More ▼

Chapter 1

A series of loud bangs startled Syndel from her sleep. “Get up rookie, razing time.” Thane’s deep voice yelled from the other side of the chrome door. Syn glanced over at the holographic clock on her nightstand that read, 02:35:56 Thu 13 Oct 27. 

“Fucking Razers,” she groaned, wiping the sleep from her eyes. Every single time she got some sleep, it never failed that someone would interrupt her.

Syn pushed herself from the warm confines of her bed and pa...


Behind Closed Doors
by Garin Demirjian

In the small town of Leavonville Virginia, Kelly meets what she thinks is finally the love of her life. Bryan is the new town Sheriff and sweeps Kelly off her feet. Everyone in town falls in lov ... More ▼

Chapter 1

 Chapter 1

“Kelly, you need to answer the question,” Chief Deputy Kurt Theodore Robinson said. 

The woman looked around the room, hungrily taking in every detail as if looking for answers. Or reassurance. She didn’t seem to have an understanding of what was going on or why she was there at the police station. Not able to focus on one thing for more than a few seconds, her eyes were wild, and she kept biting her bottom lip so often that it bled. The...


Fan Fiction
Two Harts are Better than One: The Rest of the Story
by Elizabeth M. Bradshaw

Hart to Hart season 5 opener is a fan favorite. What happens after the proposal to bring the fans back to the pilot? "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Married. Jennifer’s head was spinning with the amazing turn of events. She had been headed from London to New York, trying to figure out what on earth had made Jonathan Hart turn on her so fast when she found herself detained by a detective for the second time. Before Jennifer could object, they were riding a horse-drawn carriage through the streets of London. The fact she was now engaged to the very man who had her arrested made her head spin. The last 48 hours had been an unbelievable roller coas...


Speculative Fiction
All Over Again
by Cathy Cade

Set in a future world evolving (again) after apocalypse. Friends who grew up together are expected to settle together in the village, until one meets someone else. A tale of spreading sophistication a ... More ▼

Prologue: Before

The old world had been here before. It had survived annihilations and apocalypses, each time moving on to rest and regenerate. Its inhabitants had been less fortunate.

Each civilisation’s prophets and scientists had foretold a variety of endings for their world, depending on the information available at the time (and sometimes on their funding). Predictions included alien invasion, meteor collision, solar cooling, global warming, exhaustion, pollution, fire, flood, famine, war, pestilenceâ...


Speculative Fiction
Smoke and Gold
by Mackenzie Seidel

When Eridein Kaspers is invited to be a potential suitor to the prince of the Golden Throne, the reigning power in post-nuclear California, it is the opportunity of a lifetime--to assassinate him. Now ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Storm warning sirens wail around me as I run through Arling’s central market. The wind whips the sand up into my face and it cuts into my skin as I plow forward through the crowds pushing to get inside, away from the storm. I glance back for just a moment, adjusting my scarf over my nose and mouth. The two precinct security officers are gaining on me, and with people trying to flee the storm I start to lose the advantage that hiding between people gave me. It doesn’t help that I only have the...


Literary Fiction
Bits and Pieces: Poems and Short Short Stories
by Cynthia A. Jensen

Bits and Pieces is a book of Poetry and Short Stories I am writing during my time at writingspace.org and other stories I've written previously. "Sounds interesting!"

A Super Quick Short

She ran as fast as she could. The library was only a couple of blocks from the middle school, but it was due to close in a few more minutes. Her backpack almost tipped her over from it violently shaking with her rushed movements.

She approached the front door and swung it open. Going up to the front desk, she asked, almost out of breath, where the romance novels were located. After the librarian pointed, the girl ran to the section and froze. There were aisles of books. It was imperative she find t...


Coming of Age
When everything changed (working): Life had been steady, happy, the same. Until it wasn't.
by Sparks Jackson

Penny had lived a normal happy life with her parents in the north of England until a visit to her Uncles one summer changed everything for her and turned her outlook on life upside down. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1 - The trip down

Chapter 1 – The trip down. 

It started out just like any other day where we were going away to visit family.

I opened my eyes and felt the day light on my face, light beams streaming through the crack in the curtains warmed my cheek as I lay still in bed.  Familiar sounds thrummed their way to my ears, mum in the kitchen, radio on chatting away, pots being moved about, breakfast was being prepared as usual.  The clatter of Simon’s claws on the tile floor a...


Historical Fiction
by Susan Woerner

In the mid-1800's, a group of Pennsylvania coal miners were convicted and executed for crimes they may not have committed. They were known as the Molly Maguires. This story, though, is about the women ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Mary Clare McAllister lay Black-Eyed Susans on her husband’s grave. Today was shimmering – a bit of a surprise for October. She could smell windfall apples in the air and thought how she and Danny had gathered them last fall. She had taken a bag of them to Bridie who made an apple pie for her and Dannie. Bridie always seemed to have a bit of lard, flour, and a sugar lump and when you combine those rare items with apples you came out with pie. A perfect apple pie, so good Mary remembered watch...


Autobiographical Fiction
A Cheap Education
by Dr. David D. Schein

A coming of age fiction based on fact story. In 1970, A kid from the wrong side of the tracks wins a full scholarship to an Ivy League college in Philadelphia. He learns that education from the street ... More ▼


The Spring of 1969 was a tense time for a variety of reasons. The oldest of seven children in a military family in Norfolk, Virginia, the Vietnam War was a dominant factor for Aaron. The high school experience had been a blur. His parents always pushed getting into college, but as neither had attended college, they could do little to prepare him. They were also in no position to provide financial support.

The good news was that his strong grades and academic activities had landed him offers of admi...


Children of Muyumu: The pull of shared ancestry
by John T. Njovu

After a life threatening accident, Lolita, embarks on a pilgrimage from Brazil to Africa Richard Godwin is about to go into an old people home in UK. He goes off to Africa for a last holiday. The two ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Two men wearing khaki uniforms briskly walked through the tall grass and bushes towards the sound of wailing. A startled nightjar looked up as the torch lighted the path where it sat. It gracefully rose and silently flew out into the darkness enveloping the village. There were sounds of dry leaves and grass bursting and crackling along the path as small night active dwellers of the Savannah run away from the light. The sound of wailing got louder and was followed by what sounded like a rap of lamentation...


Murder at the museum
by Shirley Holder Platt

A murder only a ghost can solve. But what's a ghost supposed to do when no one can see her? "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

I am a ghost. Not sure how it happened. All my life, people told me I'd go to heaven, hell, or purgatory as soon as I died. Come to think of it, maybe this is purgatory. I do seem to be suspended. Not much to do as a ghost. I can't effect anything on the living plane, which rules out haunting. I tried it, believe me, I couldn't scare you if I wanted to. So what is there to do? Not much. Everything is shades of gray, and not in a sexy way. I guess of everything I miss color the most.

I was an artist...


From The Valley Of Archor To The Door Of Hope: A modern retelling of the story of Hosea
by Kathryn Posey

This is tale of a wild, broken, and desperate girl who was transformed by the grace of God and His deep love. Her journey is one of aching pain and resentment that had her wrapped in chains, holding h ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Euphoria burst through the numb edges of Parker’s mind. Finally. The booze and pills were starting to take full affect. She breathed in a sigh of relief. Parker stretched her arms wide and fell back on the bed behind her. She reached out and grabbed the blanket around her, studying the colorful fabric. She could hear the shower running in the bathroom. He wouldn’t be long. Anxiety rose up inside her. She knew she didn’t have enough money to pay for the oxy. She lied and said she was goo...


Kane: Beg Me
by Tiffany S. Doran

Allison Montgomery, quiet, well mannered, always follows the rules at the office of Kane and Levi, the most successful law firm in the county. But will Allison always be mild mannered once Markus Kan ... More ▼

Chapter 1

The morning sun was warm on Allison’s face as she made it to the office. She walked to her desk and tucked all of her belongings in the bottom drawer. As she began arranging all of her things, the door opening caught her attention. In walked Markus Kane, one half of the most successful law firms in the county. “Kane and Levi.” He was tall, tanned skin, dark hair, and hazel eyes. The suits that he wore couldn’t do any justice to hiding the muscles she was sure, was hiding underneat...


by no one

there is nothing to this. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1



I drop to my knees as an iron banded barrel flies over my head, smashing into the brick wall of the alley, as the dust clears you can see where the bricks have crumbled under the impact. One of the iron bands is lodged in the wall, with a fragment or two of wood still hanging from a couple of rusty nails. that makes four of those things, it’s thrown in my general direction, I’m not sure it is aiming for me. I very much doubt it's even aware I’m following it; the bar...


Mommy Time
by Cynthia A. Jensen

A woman finds comfort in the company of dolls. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1



           She was so happy. Having her first baby at the age of seventeen didn’t phase her at all. Her mother was so pissed, but she didn’t care. Mother was only mad because the baby would be another mouth to feed. But she could breastfeed for a year, maybe longer if she needed to. The father of the baby left town after she broke the news to him. He didn’t want to be a father again, much less accused...


Autobiographical Fiction
by Madara Ranmuthugala

Transnational love in a post-pandemic but racially motivated world. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Aurora. I can see her in my mind’s eye now. Beautiful long black hair gently falling down her back, a sharp nose and chin in profile as she looks out towards the speaker at the piano, alabaster skin, the full lips that are definitely capable of a beautiful pout, and those thin long fingers that can give so much sensual pleasure.

She listens with rapt attention to the black British man giving a powerful performance with his poems and piano playing, and I look around at the audience. The women...


by Philip Cumberland

A Private eye based in the Cambridgeshire Fens. He has been hired to investigate two different cases. "Sounds interesting!"



Chapter 1

What was I doing in Caroline’s bed?

Slowly, as I woke the memory of the night before fought its way into my mind. Staggering out of The Scutcher's Arms at gone midnight, eventually locating my bicycle propped up against the bus shelter. I wasn't sure then whether my undercover enquiries had been that successful.

Waking up in Caroline's bed let alone her house was still a mystery to me, the team of blacksmiths hard at work in my head stopped me thinking about...


Historical Fiction
Berlin to Munich: Angel Maker Series
by Barry B. Wright

Chapter One

In the poverty-stricken neighborhood where the Gruener family lived, tuberculosis was a well-established part of life. But in the fall of 1918, something new visited their Frankfurt community that remained until 1920. It began as a fever and sore throat. Headaches, body aches, cough and nose bleeds were common. Doctors advised their patients to take up to 30 grams of aspirin per day. For some, this regime appeared to work as their symptoms improved. Days would pass before this mysterious manifestation re...


Pareidolia: A short paranormal story
by Shirley Holder Platt

The only chapter

Since college days, Maura had wanted to retire comfortably and early, with her health and pocket book in excellent shape. That part of the plan worked out for her by her fifty-fifth birthday when she was offered a "package." Her long, boring, underappreciated years spent plugging away in a windowless, cheerless office paid off with little fanfair. The human relations employee offered an ample pension, medical insurance, retained stock options to her on an unanticipated but otherwise typical Tuesday. Plus...


The Price of Blood: A Dark Fantasy Novel
by Virginia Rose

The life of a beast hunter is often short and bloody. But in Victoria Boucher's case, it is eternal. After a vampire supremacist cult wiped out most of her kingdom and left her with a savage curse, sh ... More ▼

Chapter 1
Lost and Found

Victoria grunted as her feet hit the ground. She steadied herself against her horse, glad to be out of the saddle. The ride back into town had been a long, slow, and bumpy trek through the forest. Riven snorted and nudged her impatiently towards the hitch outside the storefront near the water trough. She patted his flank, taking hold of his reins and tying him to the hitching post. While he drank, she unloaded the rabbits she had strung on the back of the saddle and headed into the butcher shop.



Beyond the Deep Water
by Karla Martinez

Close your eyes and step into a world unlike any other. Feel the magic, embrace the love, and discover the raw, tender emotions that will stir your soul and bring tears to your eyes. This is more t ... More ▼


The sun shone brightly in the vast blue sky, bathing the countryside in golden light. Spring was in full bloom, transforming the pastures into a shimmering sea of buttercups, their yellow petals swaying like tiny lanterns in the breeze. This was what Camille loved most about springtime—the season of rebirth and renewal. The world seemed alive, brimming with warmth and possibility, as if even the earth itself had forgotten what it meant to fear.

Lying in the grass by Blue Water Lake, Camille f...


Sea-renity on Sandy Shores (Novella): A Sandy Shores Novella
by Shirley Holder Platt

A straight-laced woman betrayed, seeking solace. A man whose defense against a cruel world is to party like there's no tomorrow. Can these two lost souls find healing in one another's arms? "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1 - Joan

I wiggled my toes in the hot sand of my favorite beach and wished I could stay. If ever I needed a break, this was it. The rental I’d be living in for a month was called Sea-renity, and it promised the serenity I needed after what had happened in my life recently. I’d been coming to Sandy Shores for vacation since I was six years old. Dad would load the whole family into the car and drive across country to get there as fast as he could. I remember being lulled to sleep by Disney movies I&rsqu...


You, me and the Bubblegum Tree
by Tiffany S. Doran

Join me as we meet a curious little boy whom has been given a task by his mother to use his imagination. Follow him on his magnificent travels as he goes in search within the brinks of his imagination ... More ▼

Chapter 1

I was sitting outside with my mom one day and she told me to think of a land far away. So I moved closer to her and closed my eyes real tight, I thought and I thought, with all my might. I saw a bright sunny day filled with birds in flight, the breeze blowing trees and the sand so white. A shack by the shore selling knick-knacks in three's and beside that sat a bubblegum tree. I opened my eyes and told her what I'd seen, how the breeze smelled salty but the sand was clean, about the shack by the shore se...


The Man of the Daggers
by Adam Wright

Feran Stormweather is a dark mage. His family has held off the forces of the Army of Radiance for generations. After Feran sacrifices everything he holds dear to keep his people safe he must go into h ... More ▼

Chapter 1
The Cool of the Shadows

Feran Stormweather knelt, closed his eyes, and felt rich, damp, soil beneath his fingertips. He inhaled and thought of shadows, the cool shade, and protection from the light. A cool energy surged through him. Light and the heat from it blistered the skin, scorched the earth, blazing across Ardor, not caring what it burned away or who it left as a heap of ash. It was the ever-present danger to the people of The Daggers, the city Feran called home. 

He eased his dagger from its sheath with his f...


Chick Lit
Last of the Big Time Spenders
by Cindy Davis

The entire Moore clan is celebrating Thanksgiving at Old Man Thompson’s barn. Though Joy’s not blood-related, they insist she be a part, which makes sense since, months ago, she uncovere ... More ▼

Chapter 1
Only the Good Die Young

Chapter One

It’s nearly midnight. The Thanksgiving celebration has been rocking for hours. The turkey carcass sits like a vociferous wart amid the near-empty bowls of veggies and stuffing on the long row of buffet tables in Old Man Thompson’s barn. Every member of the Moore family is in attendance. I know. I hear you asking what I’m doing here as I’m not related to anyone in Uncertain, Florida let alone the Moore clan. The answer is that they wouldn’t take no for an an...


by Cynthia A. Jensen

A man kidnaps a fitness guru to help his depressed sister lose weight. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1


Chapter One



           “Merry Christmas, Man,” my brother, Todd, said as he walked in my bedroom carrying a breakfast tray. My given name is Amanda, but he calls me "Man" for short. On it was an overflowing plate full of eggs, hash browns, toast, and bacon. There was coffee with plenty of cream and sugar, and a large glass of orange juice. My name was Amanda, but Todd usually called me by ...


by John Alleyn

In a world not quite our own, young Alexandra is driven into exile before she can take her mother's place as queen of her city. Alone but for a single devoted guardsman, she travels to the Athens of P ... More ▼

Chapter 1

In late morning, a procession set out from the gates of the city.

As always at festival time, the people were in their finest, especially the aristoi who led the procession. Noblemen wore white kilts with elaborate embroidery in blue or crimson, leaving their torsos and most of their legs bare. Their dark hair fell to their shoulders, some in braids, some left in loose cascades of curls. Their beards were carefully trimmed and teased into elaborate curls. Those who were young and fit strod...


Young Adult
Don't Let Go
by Karla Martinez

Like a princess, one day Samantha is awakened with a kiss from her crush, Cameron. Someone dreamy and gorgeous which, of course, can’t be any good for her. Samantha finds herself torn by her pa ... More ▼

August 20, 2010


August 20, 2010 


 “Cameron, where are you going?” she asked as he quietly made his way out the room. He stopped at the sound of her voice, making him hesitate for a quick second. Her eyes were already finding an answer in his sweet tortured face, an answer he wouldn’t admit to, for her own good.

“I’m going for a ride,” he answered after some thought.

She knew the only thing she could do was smile and let h...


The Dead of Knight
by Viktor Slater

The death of a wealthy British diplomat on the London Eye, a body discovered at Buckingham Palace, and a terrorist shooting in central London lead to the dark secrets of a family. Secrets that must be ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Young Kelly Jones looked longingly at the playground. It wasn’t far away, but it might as well be a million miles away. Instead, she was stuck in the boring queue with Mum and Dad. It was her first-time visiting London, visiting England even, and they seemed to have been standing in queues all day.

There was a queue for the underground train. When they finally got on, it was hot and horribly claustrophobic in the summer heat. Then they’d had to queue for the Natural History...


Aradia's Diaspora: Book One
by Susan Woerner

What if you found yourself in a different world? One in which your ancestor was attempting to enslave the inhabitants of that world? Would you kill her and risk your own annihilation? Or would you joi ... More ▼

Author's Note - 2023

Aradia’s Diaspora - Author's Note - 2023

I’m reactivating Aradia’s Diaspora because I want to work on it... eventually. I began it in 2018 through ChapterBuzz.



Hook, Line, and Sinker: Hart Brothers, Book One
by Shirley Holder Platt

A man born to privilege. A woman who worked her way up from poverty. One promotion on the line. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Zeke stood in the parking lot staring at the back of Darlene’s car. His brothers were on either side with their arms draped over his shoulder. The men remained silent until the car turned a corner and could no longer be seen. The neon sign for Rainy Daze Café buzzed in the humid, dawn air. Crickets called to one another. The sun’s light was just filling the sky with yellow rays. Inside the café, patrons watched through the plate glass windows. Some shook their heads, others whispered to...


Chick Lit
The Kiss
by Shirley Holder Platt

A collection of short stories and an occasional poem "Sounds interesting!"

The Kiss

A short story, to brighten your day:

"The Kiss"

Sometimes, a kiss is just a kiss. This wasn’t one of those times. I’d been watching Marcus for years, ever since he saved me from bullies in the schoolyard when we were in fourth grade. I was one of the poor kids. My mom dressed me in hand me downs and clothes she found at garage sales. She cut my hair and would have made my underwear if she knew how to sew. My shoes had holes in the soles. Marcus wasn’t like me. His daddy owne...


Historical Fiction
The Butterfly Necklace: A Magical Time Travel Story
by A. C Paradiso

Allie inherits a butterfly necklace from her grandma and magically travels back in time to when her grandma was a teenager in the 1950s. Allie and her best friend Holden must figure out how they trave ... More ▼

Chapter 1 - The Pink Lace Shoes

If you had told me last year, that a box of my grandma’s old belongings would change my life forever. I wouldn’t believe you. I would tell you that nothing extraordinary happens here in my hometown of West Linn, Oregon.  Now everything has changed and this is my story of how it all happened.

   Last year (2015) in mid-May my best friend Holden James Finch asked me to our junior prom. Neither of us had dates, nor were we ever the type for the perfect prom experience. I had...


Literary Fiction
Flash Fiction Collection
by Jo Hawk

Tall tales, snippets of conversations, general musing or dark thoughts from a disturbed mind, all retold in a few words. What ideas lurk in the corners of a writer's imagination? You can find out in a ... More ▼

Repeating History

I took the stairs, two at a time, stuffing my gun into its holster as I tried to ignore the heavy strap digging into my shoulder. It was early, and I prayed as I approached her apartment.

“Please, be awake.”

Closing the door softly, I listened. Someone was in the kitchen. Relief washed over me as I peered around the doorjamb. Her small, frail frame bent over the sink. The house-dress hung on her like a worn rag, and white nurse shoes appeared too big for her thin leg...


Pins and Needles
by Barry B. Wright

Edward Slocum, vice-president of Kemkor Pharmaceuticals, becomes suspicious of the possibility of illegal activity by his present employer. As his suspicion mounts, he finds himself mired in events th ... More ▼

Chapter 1
Building 3C

Pins and Needles

Billy Talent

SHE WAS DEAD, THERE was nothing he could do about it, now; he had to accept it. But there was more. He had stumbled badly; he had come up short. He knew that he had unwittingly failed in what he had come to realize was the only worthwhile endeavor. Still, there must have been signs before she, they, were swallowed whole forever. In his self-made purgatory of grief and shame, he found no solace where once triumph and achievement reigne...


The Boy Who Could Be A Hero: The Ancient Magic Book Series, Vol 3
by Evelyn Frederick Moll

The boy who could be a hero...Josh Sparkins...discovers a portal in time. Lured through the portal by a beautiful voice, he finds himself with people who will be sailing with Christopher Columbus. Th ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


         Josh Sparkins stretched as he sat on the edge of his bed. Getting back into a morning routine on the first day of his sophomore year proved harder than he thought it would be. A backpack, notebooks, pens and assorted folders covered the top of his Gramps’ antique desk, along with a new IPad. He was grateful his parents finally realized he needed to get into the electronic age.



Life in the time of Covid19: Or, how to declutter your home
by Shirley Holder Platt

Short story poking fun at being quarantined. "Sounds interesting!"

Short Story

We were doing everything they told us to do. We washed our hands relentlessly. We stayed home and ordered take-out. We started having our groceries delivered. We even had plenty of toilet paper stocked up and stowed away under the sinks. I had always dyed my own gray hair and had a couple of boxes in the cabinet.

Of course, my hair grew into a shag. Not like the old Farrah Fawcett do, more like Phyllis Diller. That was one downside, but really, a rubber band fixed that pretty easily. I'd never been...


Moon Dance: Lover's Moon Series, Book 3
by Shirley Holder Platt

A woman who wants to dance. A man whose art is hidden away. Two people with a chance to become more together than they are apart. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1 - Miles

Party goers swarmed around me, laughing, drinking, dancing. I stood still, dead on my feet, wishing I could be home in bed. Tiny lights in the trees twinkled overhead. I wondered who had climbed up into those tall limbs to hang them. The walkway shone with the remains of the water used to wash it clean. My head pounded along with the music, and I felt alone and forlorn. I was determined to finish college that year, so I was taking twelve hours. Three of that included a correspondence course, but still. P...


by Liberty Henwick

When agony aunt and magazine journalist Jennifer Pendergast inadvertently uncovers a crime ring in Johannesburg which leads her into the dangerous world of game poaching, she realises that, as she fol ... More ▼


‘Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. Let him not love the earth too deeply. Let him not laugh too gladly when the water runs through his fingers, nor stand too silent when the setting sun makes red the veld with fire. Let him not be too moved when the birds of his land are singing, nor give too much of his heart to a mountain or a valley. For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much.’ Cry, the Beloved Country, Alan Paton

‘There is...


Her Lover's Face
by Patricia Elliott

Laryssa Mitchell is one of the lucky ones. The death of her abusive husband finally allows her to live again on her own terms, making her own choices. Her first official decision, take back what was l ... More ▼


Freedom. The word played in her head like sweet music on the radio. She stared at his coffin as the pallbearers lowered it into the waiting grave. It landed on the ground with a dull thud. She cringed, unable to take her eyes off the wooden casket. Expecting, at any moment, for her husband to shove back the lid and pull her into the grave with him.

Relax, Laryssa, he's dead.

She searched her heart for any feelings whatsoever for the man she'd been married to for seven years,...


Anchor Bay: Stormy Love
by Nancy Vaughn

Lily Brighton was widowed the same day her husband delivered the divorce papers. Tom Chambers ex-wife is an alcoholic who doesn't understand the concept of divorce means she is on her own. Plus someth ... More ▼

Chapter 1
Stormy Love

Mid-August Anchor Bay, Maine


Lilly Brighton pulled in behind the moving truck stopped in front of her new residence. It wasn’t a new house, but it was new to her. The quaint, two-story cottage style, typical of southern coastal Maine, was a far cry from the rambling ranch house she sold when she left Arlington, Texas. The movers rolled up the large door at the rear of the truck, pulling out rolling carts and dollies and began unloading. It didn’t take long for them ...


Literary Fiction
by Robin Murarka

AKIN follows a young boy named Aydan who lives in a small village in the desert. The story takes place in an ancient, archaic past, and follows him as he ventures into the world around him, often refl ... More ▼


Long ago, Parus, there was a man named Samad. He lived in a village not unlike ours, although his village was larger and further into the desert. It was surrounded by sands as far as the eye could see.

"The village and its occupants grew up together in close proximity. It was organized by a group of elders who made decisions that affected the entire village. They relied upon a well and farmed the arid land. All were known to each other.

"Samad had a son, and his name was Ionus. Samad adored ...


Plunge: One Woman's Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary
by Liesbet Collaert

A 30-year-old nomad seeks adventure and freedom at sea, but finds herself at odds with love, work, immigration, weather, and health as she navigates the world and her relationship. "Sounds interesting!"


For the last ten days, my sweetheart and I have been stuck on our 35-foot sailboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Except, there is nothing pacific (or sweet) about this ride, this life, anymore.

Mark steps into the cockpit and cracks his head on the sharp edge of the doorway – again. He lets out a yell of agony. Our floating home had briefly gone airborne and landed with a smack and a groan back into the turbulent sea.

“We’re putting this boat up for sale the m...


The Story of Prince Arsalan the Famous [Amir Arsalan Namdar]
by Dariush Ahmadzadeh Rezvani

The story is published in three volumes in English and Arabic. Dating back to the 11th century, the story is about a young prince, who starts traveling around the world, who sees a picture of a pre ... More ▼

Chapter 1

The Story of Prince Arsalan the Famous [Amir Arsalan Namdar] (Volume I of III)


The Story of ((Prince Arsalan the Famous[1])) is one of the most famous novels in Persian folklore. This story was told to King Naser al-Deen of The Qajar Dynasty by his storyteller - Mirza Mohammad-Ali Naqeeb Al-Mamalek. At that time, King Naser al-Deen's daughter - Fakhr od-Dowleh - sat behind the half-open door of the room. She then wrote the stories carefu...


Memoirs of a Dacia: The Super Woman Next Door
by Dacia M Arnold

The life journey of author, mother and US Army Veteran, Dacia M Arnold "Sounds interesting!"

Part I. Seek and You Will Find

“Show me your War Faaaaaace!!!!” screamed a drill sergeant high in the guard tower overlooking our company of army trainees. They called us “privates”, as this was the rank most of us wore. Entry Level, but likely just to be demoralizing referring to us as an alias to genitalia. Better than seamen I guess.

The drill sergeant’s voice was amplified by a bull horn and even the distortion couldn’t hide the smile from his tone. On the ride over, I overheard a hand ful...


Sweet Desire
by Imogen McKenzie

Claire's flatmate is forever late with her share of the rent, but what will Emma do to avoid paying out money she doesn't have? Claire soon finds out that her flatmate has a weird infatuation with the ... More ▼

Chapter 1

It was Friday evening, and it had been a long day at work, Claire couldn’t wait to get home and crack open the bottle of wine she had brought from the shop. The stresses of the week had simply zapped poor Claire of energy, both physically and mentally. She took the lift up to the 7th floor and made her way to the luxury apartment that she shared with her friend Emma. Problem was, Emma was a party animal, and her drinking habits often caused disputes between the pair, she would arrive home late, bri...


Love, Or Something Like It
by L. K. Thompson, LTC (Ret.)

Stunned by the discovery that General Jagwi has not only escaped from his prison, but has been able to return to Korea, Team Reliant is forced to mobilize, seek out the General, and take him down.The ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Front matter:


Or Something Like It


Love, or Something Like It

This novel is a Team Reliant series, Book Four

Businesses, brands, places, products, names, and other Marca Registrada referred to in this book are used fictitiously and are the property of the respective trademark holders. There is no association express or implied between the author and any trademark holder. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting t...


Sunnyvale: Sequel To "Pins and Needles"
by Barry B. Wright

A rural community is turned upside down with the influx of extremists bent on creating a white ethno-state, the murder of a highly respected police officer, and the fetishism of a person willing to ki ... More ▼

Chapter One
Waiting Until Dark

His approach to the bedroom window is stealthier than previous visits. Though unintended, he had killed. The local newspaper and media reports had put the community on edge. Respected and above suspicion, much was at stake during each intrusion, but a sexual fetish was the driving force. A branch snapped. Frozen in place, only heartbeats marked the passage of time. Finally feeling safe, he drew closer to her home. Huh! The lover’s car is parked in the drive. The light went out in the bedro...


The monster I've become (working title)
by Steven Derwin

Growing up in the eighties and nineties. Daniel has to navigate life at the hands of an abusive father, the loss of a loved one, and a deadly mistake. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1
The End

The rancid smell of stale urine and weed hung in the air. You could tell that nothing had been done with the house since the eighties maybe even the seventies other than being a refuge for local junkies and squatters. The carpet was damp and rotting away at the corners. It was old and thickened with years of dust, grime, and dirt, littered with little balls of rolled up tin foil, used syringes and empty aerosol, and beer cans that were gathering dust among the stains and rat droppings. The odd used condo...


kənˈspirəsē: Conspiracy theories about U.S. Government
by Marcus M. McGrew (MMM)

This is a thought provoking attention grabber. None of this is original writing just information and research. "Sounds interesting!"

Executive Order 13603
Martial law

Federal Register

Vol. 77, No. 56

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Title 3—

The President

Executive Order 13603 of March 16, 2012

National Defense Resources Preparedness

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C.&nbs...


The Unforgiven (First Draft.)
by Leila Miller

An agent of the Dream World must travel to the Underworld to capture a rogue agent before they destroy the world. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Roth felt the heat of the blast as he was thrown away from the building they were passing. He could feel Sophia's small hand ripped from his as cries pain rang from behind him. 

Grasping for air, he found himself staring into the clear blue sky, he mind whirling to make sense of what just occurred.

Ringing replaced the screaming in his ears and the smell of acrid smoke filled his nose. He sat up coughing, shaking away the stars dancing in front of his eyes. Roth tried to make sense of th...


The Roots of Slavic Magic: Finding Our Way Back to Balance
by Patricia Robin Woodruff

What the cuckoo clock has to do with the Slavic goddess of water, why roosters are traditionally on weathervanes and what Slavic Pagan beliefs have to do with the Phila. Mummers Parade are just some o ... More ▼

Chapter 1
Why this book is different

Online, you will find the same information on the Slavic gods copied over and over again. It is important to understand where much of the information that currently exists on the Slavic religion came from. The pagans themselves had no written records. Most information on the Slavic religion has been drawn from the same sources, written records by the male monks and priests who came into the region around Middle Ages. So let’s take a look at that time…

It was around t...


It Is Over: A tribute to Dick Gregory's brilliance
by Marcus M. McGrew (MMM)

Richard Claxton Gregory (October 12, 1932 – August 19, 2017) was an American comedian, civil rights activist, social critic, writer, conspiracy theorist, entrepreneur,and occasional actor. Duri ... More ▼

Too few know

Do you know who you are? There are nine planets to the Universe you

just happen to have nine holes in your body do you

think that’s an accident? That’s because you are the

Universe, you are nature. You got twenty-six thousand

billion cells in your body, sixty-two thousand miles of

blood vessels in your body that blood makes a complete

cycle every thirty seconds which means your blood

travels 104,000 miles a minute. You know how strong

you are? D...


The Gods' Own
by Alexis Cunningham

Street conjuror Yasha Alukov wants only one thing, to get even with the rival who put him in prison but when he's released he discovers Djisi City's magical underworld overrun by demigods--and all of ... More ▼

Chapter 1
Preach on, My Brother

‘Remember my brothers, we are the gods own chosen soldiers,’ Preacher hollered, arms raised toward the cafeteria roof. ‘For we have been granted great gifts that we might use them for their glory—‘

‘Get off the Pit damn table.’ Four-Fingered Djan was not a fan of Preacher’s rousing oratory. He threw a stale bread roll at Preacher’s head from the end of the long table.

Preacher snatched the baked projectile out of the air, a snarl twisting ...


Historical Fiction
Scathed Bones
by Leah Lindeman

Almost two years after outwitting her blackmailer and father's murderer and discovering her father's gold vein, Rose Wood returns to the Cariboo region of BC to reunite with her fiance and prepare for ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Glorious land! Goodbye to stomaching rat-eaten cheese, vomiting the contents of supper because her body had succumbed to food poisoning, tasting wine only to spit it out because vinegar had somehow taken its place in the bottle! Rose thanked the Lord the ship’s crew had bought new supplies at the port of her Mother’s beloved birthplace Ushuaia, cradled in the bosom of Tierra del Fuego. If they hadn’t…

She had weighed the benefits versus the dangers of embarking on the longes...


Journey Through Lockdown: A Christian devotional for uncertain times
by Jenny Young

My personal reflections on Level Five Lockdown as a Grandmother in South Africa. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

25 March 2020

Virtual World


On Sunday we attended virtual church. Well, it wasn’t quite virtual reality – if you compare it to some games where you wear a helmet and wield a sword, but it was not real church. It was watching videos pre-recorded or selected by our leaders for us to watch at home with possibly a small group. Like video games, there are limits and restrictions. One of the restrictions is my knowledge of technology but the most notable difference is the l...


Science Fiction
Taking Power: Book Five of the DiaZem Series
by Dacia M Arnold

THE FINAL BOOK!!!! "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Valerie Russell took four long strides towards her new captor and punched him square in the jaw. Needle like pain erupted in her hand and shot through to her elbow. The impact, no doubt, broke more than one bone. Tears blurred her vision. Rage boiled in her chest releasing a battle cry of pain, frustration, and targeted hate. She pulled back again and took another swing. This time Tony blocked her arm and maneuvered to hug her into him. Valerie screamed and thrashed against his arms, fighting with e...


DEVIL 63, Vietnam Gunship Pilot
by CWO 2 Sims and Larry K. Thompson, LTC (Ret.)

CWO Sims wants it understood from the beginning: he was no hero. He tells his story from the training that began at Fort Wolters, Texas, and continued through Fort Rucker, Alabama. He tells his story ... More ▼

Devil 63 Title Page


Vietnam Gunship Pilot



CWO 2 Richard Sims

     As told to

      Larry K. Thompson







Science Fiction
The Secret Time Warp
by Marian Wood

People have gone missing and the police do not know what's happening.. I walk to the end of the field and time changes, suddenly I am looking at Woolworths..a young girl reaches out her hand to ... More ▼

Chapter 1

The dark clouds covered the blue of the sky and the fields layout in front of me. As I walked the atmosphere around me became eerier. I was alone and started to feel that someone was watching me. I could'nt see anyone; the trees were swaying, and I pulled my coat around me. I kept walking thinking about the kids back home. I watched the sheep playing in the fields nearby and I could hear birds chirruping to each other. The rain then started to fall, first steadily then with more force. I put up my hood a...


Killing Time In LA: A James St.James Mystery
by Kenneth Lawson

1949 LA. James St.James is pulled into the investigation of a a professors wife who has been shot. The Husband confess. But the facts don't add up. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1: Day One Thursday. June 9, 1949

The smell of coffee woke me up.

I followed the smell into the kitchen. Where  Brenda stood at the stove frying up some bacon and eggs.

“Smells good hun.” As  I  headed for the bathroom. I came back into the kitchen a few minutes later partly dressed. Taking my usual chair at the small round kitchen table. I poured myself a cup of coffee.

 By now Brenda had finished the frying and handed me a plate of food.

 While we ate  I turned on the sm...


Autobiographical Fiction
Boy Soldier: Warlord
by Marcus M. McGrew

Growing up he always heard stories of how great men fought to protect this country and that, one day, he would have the honor to do the same. This book twists and turns and leads you through catacombs ... More ▼


The energy that brings life to this book comes from a present day Soldier fighting America's war on terror. For many years, growing up as a small kid in Alabama, he always fantasized about becoming a warrior. Fast forward to present day and he has been numerous combat environments with outcomes that have created a very different reality than how most might see it. Imagine being an eight year old kid that grew up to the slogan "Be all that you can be, in the Army" and imagine the wonder or excitement, pos...


Ralph and the Prince
by Jo Hawk

This story began as a piece of Flash Fiction. There is where it would have ended, except for the characters. The Prince and Ralph are persistent. They want to tell their story and demand I tell it. ... More ▼

Into the Night

Ralph’s legs burned. He clutched his ribcage and rubbed the twitching muscle which begged him to stop. The intercept lay two hundred yards ahead. Holding the flaming torch higher he inhaled, hardened his resolve and pushed himself forward.

His blood beat in his ears and he struggled to quiet his breathing. He slowed, as he approached the archway. Moving with caution, he allowed the flames to illuminate his surroundings and he checked the shadows. No one lurked, no sign of ambush. Be...


Science Fiction

Apparent Power: Book One of the DiaZem Series
by Dacia Arnold

A dormant gene awakens... And so does a rising world government. Valerie Russell is the key. Does she save her husband and son? Or humanity? Buy a copy!

Chapter One

The electricity flew from her fingers to the shower door handle. Valerie Russell yanked her hand back. The shock had not hurt, but the burst of light caught her off guard. She reached again, slowly. This time, nothing happened, and she stepped into the shower. The water flowing over her face was satisfying in that it woke her senses far better than her alarm. Startled out of her thoughts by her husband clearing his throat, she took a breath to tell him what had just happened when he cut her off.



Coming of Age
Growing Up Girls
by Deanna Greenway

The coming of age of a shy young girl and her journey through independence. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Mama hung up the phone and called my name, “Sara?”

At 10 years old, I come running when mama calls my name. As the middle child, I have a bossy older sister and a whiny six-year-old sister. Despite my efforts to keep everyone happy, it rarely works out. I ran into the living room so fast; I felt my feet slipping on the freshly waxed hardwood floors. Pushing dark bangs out of my face, I answered, “Yes, Mama?”

“Your Aunt Meg asked us to come for a vi...


Mama needs new shoes
by Shirley Holder Platt

Car theft "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

He sat low in his restored, midnight blue Buick, flicking the ashes of his cigarette out the window. From behind, all you could see was his closely shaved and greased head, which was very round. It looked like a glossy, new, bowling ball wearing expensive sunglasses and driving the car. Ignoring the muggy heat, he had the windows rolled down to maximize the sound of fuzzy music coming through the partially blown speakers. The deep bass rhythm reverberated and shook the windows of nearby cars. As he pulle...


Literary Fiction
by Nicki vanK

The lives of two women (the beautiful, wealthy late 50's Lizzie and downtrodden early 30's Aurora living on the street)become connected through family violence. The local bowling club somehow becomes ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In the middle of the night Lizzie woke. Her eyes half opening, trying unsuccessfully to adjust to the dark. She moved her hand marginally – just enough to feel if he was still in the bed. He was. She expected he would be asleep after last nights drinking, but she listened hard to hear if his breathing was steady.

When she was sure he was asleep, she quietly slid out of the bed, padded round and felt for the familiar door handle.

She didn't go into the en-suite, instead w...


Love's Critical Ploy
by L. K. Thompson, LTC (TXSG, Ret.)

Ordered to prepare a clandestine mission to Europe, Team Reliant's task is to prevent the transfer of deadly radioactive material to terrorists. They must kill General Jagwi. Things were going well un ... More ▼





This novel is dedicated to the following:


SSG John Thompson for his Army experience, foreign service, and honest reflections of events.

Amy Stell for her steadfast and keenly insightful copy reading.

Sharon Henderson for enduring friendship and willingness to read my work for errors.

COL David Osterhout for his eye for detail and because he isn’t afrai...


The Hunt for Bheanoira: Jude's Journey
by Dacia M Arnold

On a quest to redeem centuries of family shame, Jude reaches the last leg of his quest to defeat the monster Bheanoira. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Jude lowered the map to study the horizon. A warm breeze blew his black sweat dampened hair into his face. From the top of the hill he saw a small town in the distance, given away by the specks of light burning bright against the dimming eastern sky. Beyond the town looked black as if the complete absence of light cupped the small village, able to snuff it out with a mere clap. He would have to wait until first light to verify, the darkness was the perilous wood of legends.

His hand traced down th...


OSKAR: A Rock Opera For Children
by B. L. Peterson

A young Black man goes around telling people he is from Mars and he has an extremely important message for the people of the earth: It is of a grave matter but he forgot what it was! So to humor their ... More ▼

Chapter 1 - Oskar Arrives

"An unenlightened man is like a man in a cave with his hands bound.

He is looking at the wall and seeing the spot of light from the entrance to the cave which is behind him.

You step into the dark cave, out of the light and try and tell the man there is more to his life than this.

But he exclaims almost like a madman that "He sees the light! He sees the light!",

looking at the beam of light on the wall...


Health and Whatnot
by Marcus M. McGrew

This is my rendition of a healthy lifestyle guide as told from my own honest opinion and thoughts. Please enjoy and strap yourself in for some interesting theories and ideas. "Sounds interesting!"

Why we need to eat WELL

Eating healthy isn’t always easy, but committing to a healthy diet can be one of the smartest decisions you ever make. Why? Not only can eating well make you look and feel better, it can also save you money on future health costs.

But even if you intend to “eat healthy,” knowing exactly what that means can be challenging. “Following a healthy diet includes choosing plenty of lean meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, whole grain and dairy products,” says Debra Ness...


Literary Fiction
The Brightest Firefly: A Collection of Short Works
by Dacia M Arnold

In these pages you will find poetry and plays, fiction and nonfiction. Enjoy the journey. Available for purchase on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QC9G2PG "Sounds interesting!"

Dear Reader

Dear Reader,






When I started writing in 2015, I knew I would see my story through to the end. December 6, 2017, my thirty-third birthday, I signed my first ever full length project to a small publishing house. Astonishingly, the book was not the only work I finished within those two years.

About three months into developing my story, and halfway through Apparent Power, I drafted myself into a hole. A major plot point wedged...


Young Adult
白髪の少女 | The Girl with White Hair
by Bexx Matthews

During the day, blood-relatives of the Shiraga family may appear to just be ordinary hunters, but under the moonlight, they become white-haired warriors; a beacon of hope and protectors of those under ... More ▼

Chapter 1: On the Mountain

The mountain was quiet that night.

Tsukiko had always been sensitive to her surroundings, the prickle of a colder wind that meant winter was on the way or the aroma of the first tiger lily blooming in the summer. Tonight felt the same. It wasn't uncommon for the mountain to be quiet, but what engulfed her senses was complete silence; something that made the spring air heavy and sick.

In just a few moments the moonlight would rain down upon the dried river, where Tsukiko sat cross-legged, in d...


In Search of a Soulful Life
by Al Duncan

A tale of courage. Leaving a long conditioned uncomfortable comfort zone with an intention of connecting with like-hearted people. From the Himalayas to rural South East Asia, prepare for an enlighten ... More ▼

Intentions set. Shift unfolds

“If the darkness is followed by the light was simply a belief of the ages.

Then what if the light was ever present.

But our perception remains one of illusionary shadows.

Who decided the shadows were real?

Was it you?

Or was it programmed?

Even then, what if we could perceive it all as a gift,

Then what would it become?


He flicked on the bedside lamp. Scrambling for pen and paper.

Wow what a bizarre dream.

He scrib...


House H(a)unting: An Intuitive Realtor’s Journey Beyond Fear
by Cindy Lauderdale Moore

As a realtor I can tell you all the features of the house you are interested in. As an intuitive, I can also tell you whether the house is haunted, or not, if you really want to know! "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1
The Fearful Realtor

In the old Victorian house, I stand warily next to the open front door as buyers climb the stairs to the floors above. Normally a realtor accompanies her clients through the house, pointing out features and answering questions. I am anything but a normal realtor. In fact, given my gifts, some find it unusual that I’m in a profession that requires me to show homes and help people sell them.

In this case, the home is vacant anyway, the spacious rooms empty of furniture and people and the belong...


Literary Fiction
Love via SMS
by Amara Blackstone

The chemistry between them is undeniable, but can they keep their relationship a secret? A chance meeting piques William’s interest in a much younger female colleague, Eva. Years later, they ... More ▼

Chapter 1

Eva’s phone buzzes in her gray Michael Kor’s handbag as it slides down the TSA conveyor belt at the crowded airport. She hears it continue to buzz, vibrating a siren song, that more text messages are incoming. The melodic sound spreads an indescribable feeling through her body. She smiles, sweetly, knowingly, and a bit sarcastically – Eva knows who it is, and she knows it drives him wild when he can’t reach her immediately. As she fast-walks towards the gate, E...


Daisy: First Scene
by RS Potter

While on a camping trip, a group of friends are confronted by a young girl bent on revenge for her murder seventeen-years earlier. "Sounds interesting!"

The Fork in the Road

Melissa Fredrikson glanced up from petting Princess, a three-pound Yorkshire Terrier, and found Mike piercing into her from the rearview mirror. “Mike, look out!”

He slammed on the brakes and screeched the Blazer to a stop. “Mel, it was just a squirrel.”

Jeffrey, Melissa’s ten-year-old brother, shook his head. “Was a squirrel.”

Melissa marveled at the fragrant charm of the San Bernardino mountains and its flora. The quaint log cabins tucked in p...


Harbinger: Sphinx: Book One of The Shadowminders Series
by Nicolle A. Jenos

Set on an alternate Earth where Atlantis never vanished and technology has advanced faster than in any other reality. But there is one major difference. Myths and legends are *real*. Those who ... More ▼


Laying on the ground, blood trickling from her many wounds and slowly pooling around her body, Rosabel wondered where their group had gone wrong. So very and horribly wrong.

The acrid smell of iron filled her nostrils right up to the point where she could taste it and no amount of swallowing rid her of it. Wherever her eyes roamed, she saw bodies lying prone, lifeless, in the streets as rivulets of blood converged together to paint the pavement in the very essence of life. Men, ...


Moments of mental randomness: My scrambled brain
by Marcus M. McGrew

As random thoughts enter my mind I can either dismiss them or roll with the punches so I decided to roll with them and you're more than welcome to follow me on this journey! "Sounds interesting!"

Well damn

How does one determine when is the right time to make personal adjustments to their lifestyle, leadership and servitude? This may be the very question that enters your head from time to time. To me, I believe that there are certain instances and trials that a person goes through that determine when and if they gain the experience to provide them with the fork in the road to address these situations. 


 I, myself, have always thought that I wo...


origin shorts: elemental guard short story
by Katrena Turner

part of the origin story for one of the main characters in Elemental Guard: Verlyn. "Sounds interesting!"


She peers out the window, onto the perfectly groomed yard. Watching her beautiful children play without a care in the world. She doesn’t let the tears run down her face, not now in this sunny fall day. She won’t let her children see her cry. She won’t let them see her sorrow for a life she never expected. It all started so great, how did it get to this point? How did she get into such a dark place and yet she’s happy watching her carefree kids run wild and love the chaos that is l...


The Book Of Satan
by Bert LaVey

You want to know the TRUTH about Satan? He's not the devil, nor is He the opposite of Christianity. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 3
Aspects Of The Soul


   Aspects of the Soul


 There are several different aspects that make up the human soul. The aura, the light body, the chakras, the etheric double, [the ghost that takes on the image of the physical body], and the intelligence/conscious ness. The human soul is also made up of the elements fire, earth, air, water and quintessence. 

In doing research, I ...


Assassinato Selva: (Murder Jungle)
by Steven Smith

Four friends go on a mystery sight-seeing holiday, they take a dreadful twist through a vast South American jungle, a jungle which it is soon apparent has far too many secrets. "Sounds interesting!"


It was late in the night, 1.50am to be precise. A woman sat in the darkness of her apartment living room, her legs resting up on the settee, her back against two large cushions. A white laptop resting upon her thighs was the only real source of light, the subtle light from the screen gave a gentle glow on her face, she stared hard at the screen biting the thumbnail on her right hand. A quick gaze to her left hand and a debit card was clenched tight between her fingers, she quietly read out the long numbe...


Speculative Fiction
Zipacna's Legacy ~ Jade
by Cindy Davis

An eight-year-old boy awakens Jade's shocking asset: her seer and healer’s ability. Good thing because she's just inherited a school for advanced spiritualism. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

“Older and wiser voices can help you find the right path,

if you are only willing to listen.”

~ Jimmy Buffett



Jade French stepped from the cab transfixed by the tangled mass of vines that nearly obliterated the hotel’s wide front porch. The web seemed even more overgrown than when she was here two months ago. But it sent a heady aroma—not too sweet, not too herbal—into the mid-morning air and helped erase some of the uncertainty rolli...


Coming of Age
They Call Me Nothing: There's a hidden hero lurking in the least of us.
by Jenny Young

A homeless housebreaker consults a counselor from another culture in a quest to uncover the hero he longs to be. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Coming to the church was probably a mistake. What if they know? What if they call the Police? I listen intently, ready to run. No gunshots, no running feet, only the uneven pounding of my heart. I feel exposed. For seven years I have been invisible, a nothing. Nobody sees me. Nobody knows me. Am I really willing to give up my only protection? It seems to me now, in the light of day, that my decision of last night was only a dream. A foolish, childish dream.

I picture in my mind what might happenâ...


Chick Lit
Return to Sandy Shores
by Shirley Holder Platt

A woman who'd just been canned. A kitten needing a home. A new start for both. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1 - Sam

Cold rain blew under my umbrella until I was drenched and shivering. It wasn’t bad enough that I’d been laid off unexpectedly, I’d missed my bus and had to wait for twenty minutes in the storm. My Louboutin’s were ruined, my mascara ran down my cheeks, and my hair frizzed from the roots. I repeated to myself, this is a change, a reason for a new start. Don’t look at it as good or bad. It’s an opportunity, that’s all. I pressed toward my house with my eyes squinte...


Crystal of Fate (working title)
by Nova Mitchell

She's escaping her Fate, and he never wanted to be a hero, but sometimes the most unlikeliest of things can change the world. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1 (revised)
Something Unexpected

The sun began to climb in the brisk morning air of Spring. Trinkets of the nights rain were still fresh upon the earth and droplets fell off the leaves. It was looking to be a picturesque morning as the forest was awakening to the sounds of morning.

Nestled comfortably under one of the tall Oaks, with leaves and marsh for a bed, rested a young elf sprawled out on her belly. With a small moan she stirred from where she laid and rolled on top of a bur, sticking her self in the side. She woke wit...


How I lost a Thousand Pounds: Eating my way to better health
by Rick and Cindy Palmacci

Let’s face it folks, dieting has become a national pastime, just like baseball Sound familiar? Finally I found success. I lost over one hundred pounds "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1
The Jouney

* 1 *The Journey

I think it’s important to let you know my history, so you can identify with the sixty years worth of struggles. As I did when reading diet books, I compared the author’s journey with my own. I can’t say how often they were similar. Maybe you will be nodding your head too. As I did with the barrage of statistics, I’ll make this quick.

Age 6-10, grade school

As a child, I was overweight. Everyone called me chubby. I wore husky sized clothing (that doesn’t...


Historical Fiction
Called to Account (formerly The Poor Law Inspector)
by Frank Parker

From the author of Strongbow's Wife and A Purgatory of Misery comes another searing account of a terrible period in Irish history. When a government official exposes the unpalatable truth abou ... More ▼

Chapter 1

I like to imagine Arthur Kennedy and Crofton Vandeleur each about to embark on his journey to Cork for the assizes at which the charge of slander was to be heard. Each looks in a mirror – shaving, perhaps, or combing a beard; adjusting the tilt of a hat or the folds of a neckerchief – and reflects on the similarities in the other's background to their own. Each was the son of a Protestant land owner, each grew up on the shores of an estuary – one on the North East coast of Ireland, the ...


PayBack: Two Different men, which one will win?
by Jaye Marie

Mystery Thriller about revenge... "Sounds interesting!"


The South of England 1999


An eerie silence greeted eleven- year- old Billy McKenzie when reached the front gate of his house that afternoon. Most days he would hear his grandmother shouting or laying down the law at his little brother Tommy.

The closed weather-beaten front door struck him as odd. Gran hated opening the door to him. He walked along the path, avoiding all the broken tiles.

Something must have happened while he attended school and he didn't feel like risking G...

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