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Join us for the #2xWordCountChallenge

Double your word count every week ...
... and finish your novel!

Starting soon!


Set your own word count goal for Week 1! (For example, 750.)

The next week, you'll write 1,500 words, then 3,000, and so on.

You'll learn how to write a novel, step by step. New lesson every day!

By Week 6, you're on fire! Check out your Week 6 here


Meet us on Facebook, where we'll discuss, learn, and give and receive feedback.

Every day, you'll record your word count. It's fun to look back on all your progress!

Earn up to 5 Buzz Tokens, credits you can use to publish your book. A $25 value for free!


~ Next session is starting soon ~

Personal achievement on a whole new level

Doubling your word count every week gives you the motivation to build your story, build your skills, and build your confidence.

It's hard to believe, but you can finish your novel in just 12 weeks!
Master the art of novel writing

Every day, we'll send you a quick lesson on how to write a terrific story.

You'll learn:
  • How to turn an idea into a novel
  • Tricks to eliminate self-doubt
  • How to keep readers glued to the page
  • Mistakes that make your story fall flat
  • The best way to end your novel
... and much more!


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Word count deadlines

Week 1
Write 750 words
(108 words/day)
Week 2
Write 1,500 words
(215 words/day)
Week 3
Write 3,000 words
(429 words/day)
Week 4
Write 6,000 words
(858 words/day)
Week 5
Write 12,000 words
(1,715 words/day)
Week 6
Write 24,000 words
(3,429 words/day)
Week 7
Write 12,000 words
(1,715 words/day)
Week 8
Write 6,000 words
(858 words/day)
Week 9
Write 3,000 words
(429 words/day)
Week 10
Write 1,500 words
(215 words/day)
Week 11
Write 750 words
(108 words/day)

(Total so far: 70,500 words)
Week 12
This week, you'll learn the best way to end your novel!


~ Next session is starting soon ~

Ready to do this? Expect results.

We've hosted many different writing challenges over the years.

Here's what our writers have to say about them:

These are the first words I've written on the book I've wanted to write since 2007. Thanks so much for getting me to actually begin. ChapterBuzz is the best!”

Arline Chase, author of Spirit of Earth

I don't think I've ever wanted to work so hard for something before. I'd written for hours on the last night of the Challenge trying to hit that 10,000 word mark, and I am so happy that I managed to get through and finish.”

Bexx Matthews, winner, Most Buzz Award

Very excited! 7 days of writing and I'm in excess of 8,000 words. Name of my second novel is Marijuana Bear. This challenge I accepted will have my book done in probably less than 2 months. First book took over 2 years. Challenge is good ... put the words down and keep on going!

I'm incorporating lessons as I write. I plan to go back over all the lessons before editing so the lessons are fresh in my mind ... I'm learning a lot.”

Dale Thacker, author of Tales of a Bear Hunter

This Challenge was a huge boost for my writing and my ego. It was refreshing to receive so much feedback on my work-in-progress that I can't stop now. Thank you for creating this amazing opportunity.”

Dacia M Arnold, two-time winner of the Most Buzz Award

This ... Challenge is the most rewarding thing that I have ever been a part of—the pivotal moment my novel needed. I enjoyed the feedback, and reading how much others were enjoying what I was writing. If you haven't joined us yet, you should really consider it!”

Tiffany S. Doran, award-winning author of Desires of the Heart

Thanks for this challenge, I am truly enjoying myself.”

Madara Ranmuthugala, author of Aurora

The Challenge pushed me to write more than I ever have before—every day—which in itself has given me so much pleasure. I have made a start on my very first novel, which is something I'd always thought only other people did! The sense of pride and personal achievement is immense. I have made some new friends who share my enthusiasm and excitement in the process.

I am convinced that this month will absolutely stand out as one of the high points of this year for me.”

Liberty Henwick, winner, Fan Favorite Award

I thought to myself that if I committed to this Challenge, I'd force myself to finish my book. I was so nervous just looking at the blank document. Then the first line came to me, and I was off!

As I wrote, I could see scenes in my head and I typed them up. I was really doing it! I was writing! Sometimes it would be challenging to keep up the word count, and some days I couldn't write at all. But in the end, I finished the Challenge—mentally exhausted, but so very happy. It was the first complete story I had finished.”

Cynthia A. Jensen, author of Starrbodies


~ Next session is starting soon ~

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