What is ChapterBuzz?
ChapterBuzz allows you to post your novel—chapter by exciting chapter—on your blog, then publish it as a book on Amazon.How does it work?
- Write chapters and post them on your blog, along with a link to this site.
- Earn credits when your readers purchase them for you.
- Publish your book by redeeming the credits you earn.
Not a writer? Join our community to discover new writers and enjoy hundreds of great stories.
How do I get started?
You can join for free right now.Is any genre allowed on ChapterBuzz?
For the most part, yes. Fiction usually works best, although non-fiction narratives are welcome too. Ultimately, keeping readers interested and wanting more is the name of the game, so if your genre can do that, you're in good shape.We're pretty open and flexible about genre here, but as you can imagine, more extreme material is outright prohibited on ChapterBuzz. For more, please refer to the ChapterBuzz Terms of Use.